At this juncture, obstructive diseases are typically caused by irregular lifestyle changes and altered eating patterns. Varicose veins are a condition affecting the vascular system, mainly the lower limbs. They are usually characterised by symptoms of venous obstruction such as pigmented skin, itching, aching, or cramping pain, with or without dilated tortuous veins. The incidence of varicose veins increases with age and is more prevalent in women.
- Occupation: Continuous standing or sitting for a long period of time. (Eg: teachers, conductors, tailors etc.)
- Obesity
- Family history
- Pregnancy
- Addictions like smoking or alcohol etc.

It mainly results from the damage to the valves of the veins, like the saphenous veins, the femoral vein, etc. Because of the impaired valve, these veins will fail to return the blood to the heart. The blood in these veins flows backward and pools in the vein. This will result in the dilatation or twisting of veins.
- Dilated tortuous veins
- Blackish discoloration of the depended areas
- Night cramps
- Itching
- Oedema of ankle joint more in the resting hours
- Bleeding
- Varicose eczema
- Varicose ulcers
What Ayurveda says about Varicose veins?
In Ayurveda, varicose veins are explained under the Vatarakta spectrum. Vatarakta is a Vata vyadhi resulting from the obstruction of vitiated Vata by vitiated Rakta.
According to the chronicity, it is classified into two; Uthana Vatarakta and Gambhira Vtarakta.

The symptoms of Uthana Vatarakta like Kandu (Itching), Daha (burning Sensation), Ruk-Toda–Sphurana (different types of pain), Aayama (dilatation of veins), Shyava or Tamra Twak (blackish discoloration of skin) etc. go hand in hand with varicose veins.
How does Ayurveda work on varicose veins?
The treatment for varicose veins is mainly aimed at Vatahara and Raktashodhana measures, which include different Kashayas, Arishtas, and Gulika preparations. Apart from these palliative measures, we are also providing therapies like Abhyanga (oil massage), Jalukavacharana (leach therapy), and Siravyadha (bleeding by puncturing). These methods will help to purify the vitiated blood that is causing symptoms like itching, burning sensations, oedema, discoloration, etc. and also normalise Vata, which is the main cause of pain.
What can you do if you have varicose veins?
- Regular mild exercises to improve the circulation.
- Tie your leg from downward to upward or use knee-high compression stockings.
- Try to elevate your leg by using pillows when you are sleeping.
- Try to consume food rich with fibers, potassium and flavonoids.
- Regular massage from downwards to upwards.

Author: Dr Namratha M V
Reviewed by Dr Seleena V
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