Our Doctors

Dr Seleena v
Family Physician

Dr Risin Sugunan
Family Physician

Dr Liji Janardhanan
Family Physician

Dr Namratha M V
Family Physician

Dr Ajisha D H
Family Physician

Dr Anagha T V
Family Physician

Dr Divya Damodaran
Family Physician

Dr Saniya K K
Family Physician

Dr Aparna Nighil
Family Physician
Dr. Liji Janardhanan
She has 6 years of experience in Ayurvedic practice.
She worked at various hospitals in Kerala and Mumbai including Government service as medical officer namely Government Ayurveda Dispensary Adhur, Jeevadhara ayurvedic panchakarma treatment centre (own clinic) Mumbai,Kottakkal aryavaidhya pharmacy Mumbai,Dhathri Ayurveda Mumbai,and Greens Ayurveda centre calicut.
She is from Kasaragod (dist.) Kerala.
She completed her BAMS graduation from Alvas Ayurveda medical college, Moodbidri, RGUHS, Bangalore.
She have certification in Nadi Vaidheekam (Drug less therapy).
Mon – Sun
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
7:00 PM – 08:00 PM

Dr. Ajisha D.H.
MD in Panchakarma
She is a dedicated health care professional from Ayurveda field. She is born and bought up in Trivandrum (dist.), Kerala. She is an Ayurvedic physician, specialized in Panchakarma (purification), currently doing private practice.
Academic History:
MD in Panchakarma, Amrita school of Ayurveda, Amrita University, Kerala.
BAMS, Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Mangalore, Karnataka.
1) An Ayurvedic approach in the management of Trigeminal Neuralgia-a case report, Conference paper in Journal of Ayurveda and integrative medicine.
2) Role of Shodhana as Kshetra shudhi in Secondary infertility-a case report, (ISBN-978-993-5346-956-3)
Mon – Sun
10: 00 AM – 12:00 PM
06:00 PM – 07:00 PM

Dr. Divya Damodaran
Her work experience span is 4 years in various hospitals in Kerala, namely as a Medical Officer.
Dhanwanthari Ayurveda Nursing Home, Cheruvathur, Kottakal Aryavaidhyasala Clinic, Periya, EK Nayanar Memorial Hospital, Kundamkuzhy Branch.
She is from Kasaragod (dist.) Kerala.
She completed BAMS from Alva’s Ayurveda Medical Collage, Moodbidri, Mangalore. RGUHS, Bangalore.
She has also completed Yoga Instructor Course from Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusadhana, Banglore
Mon – Sun
11:00 AM – 01:00 PM
05:00 PM – 06:00 PM

Dr. Aparna Nighil
She is a DHA licensed Ayurveda practitioner.
She hails from Kannur, Kerala. She currently practicing in Kottakkal Green life Ayurvedic centre, Dubai.
Academic History
She completed her graduation from Alva’s Ayurvedic Medical College, Mangalore, RGUHS, Bangalore.
Professional Experience
2 years and 10 months’ work experience as Ayurveda doctor in PKM Ayurvedic hospital, Taliparamba, Kannur, Kerala.
Mon – Sun
03:30 PM – 04:30 PM
(UAE – 02:00 PM – 03:00 PM)

Dr Risin Sugunan
MD in Kayachikitsa
Dr Risin Sugunan is passionate about directing and providing quality clinical care through Ayurveda and sharing knowledge to budding graduates and post graduates of Ayurveda.
Academic History
M.D in Kayachikitsa – ALVA’S Ayurveda Medical College
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S) – Rajiv Gandhi Ayurveda Medical College, Mahe
Assistant Professor in Department of Kayachikitsa (January 2022-till present) in SMVV’S RKM Ayurveda Medical College, Bijapur, Karnataka
Dissertation Work
A Comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Lavangadi gutika and Pippalyadi gutika in Kaphaja Kasa
Paper and Poster presented
• Saadhanaa 3- National seminar on clinical aspect held at Nangeli Ayurveda Medical College Kothamangalam,Kerala on topic : Role of tikta rasa oushadas in the management of pittolbana sannipata jvara w.s.r typhoid fever
• Participated in national level E-poster competition held on account of world asthma day 2021 by Yenepoya Ayurveda Medical College And Hospital, Narigana, Manglore on topic “kantakari as kasagna drug in kaphaja kasa”
• Participated in Sthanyamrutham 2020 A national level E-poster competition Importance of sthanya topic- “satavari for sthanya kshaya”
A Comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Lavangadi gutika and Pippalyadi gutika in Kaphaja Kasa
Areas of Expertise
• Musculoskeletal disorders – tendonitis, osteoarthritis,
• Neurological disorders – sciatica, cervical radiculopathy
• Skin disorders – psoriasis, urticaria etc.
• General disorders
Mon – Sun
07:00 PM – 09:00 PM

Dr Namratha M V
MD in Roganidana Evum Vikruti Vigyana
Dr. Namratha M V basically from Kannur, Kerala. She did her MD in Ayurvedic medical Science (Roga Nidana– Pathology and Diagnostic principles). Currently working as Assistant Professor in RKM Ayurveda Medical College, Vijayapura. She gave numerous scholarly papers at national and international conferences. In addition, she has many publications published in widely recognised Ayurvedic journals. She is committed to giving the patients the finest care.
Professional Experience
- Worked as RMO at Arogya Ayurveda Hospital, Kannur.
- Worked as Consultant Doctor at Amrutha Ayurveda Clinic, Kannur and Arya Vaidya Pharmacy Clinic, Kannur.
- Currently working as Assistant Professor at RKM Ayurveda medical college, Vijayapura.
- International Ayurvedic Medical Journal: “Critical Analysis of Nidana and Nidanaparivarjana in Hridroga”- Review Article (Published on- Volume-9, Issue-9, September 2021).
- World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: “Pemphigus Vulgaris an Outlook through Ayurveda”- Review Article (Published on- Volume: 11, Issue: 2, February 2022).
- Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences: “Understanding the Etiopathogenesis of Uttana Vatarakta (Peripheral Vascular Disease)- An Observational Study”- Research Article (Published on- Volume:7, Issue: 6, July 2022).
- World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: “Peripheral Vascular Diseases: Understanding through Samanya Lakshanas of Uttana Vatarakta” – Review Article (Published on- Volume: 11, Issue: 15, September 2022).
Paper Presented
- SPANDANA 2021- National seminar on Ayurvedic Perspective in Cardiac Diseases (Feb 2021), Organised by KVG Ayurveda Medical Collge, Sullia. Topic: “Critical Analysis on Nidana and Nidana parivarjana in Hridroga”
- THYREOS 2021- International Webinar on Thyroid Disorders (April 2021) Organised by Karnataka Ayurveda Medical College, Manglore. Topic: “Thyroid Disoders- A Diagnostic Approach Through Trividha Pareeksha”
- PAREEKSHA ANWESHANA 2021- National Webinar on Diagnostic Principles, (Sep 2021) Organised by JSS Ayurveda Medical College, Mysuru. Topic: “Nidana Bheda – A Connotation in Ayurveda”
- TEJAS 2022 – National Seminar on Grahani Roga – Maladies and Remedies (Aug 2022) Organised by Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodubidire. Topic: “Contemporary understanding of Grahani”
Areas of Expertise
Pain management (Cervical pain, Sciatica, Arthritis, etc.)
Life Style disorders (Diabetes, BP, Hypercholesterolemia, obesity, varicose veins, etc.)
Gynecological Problems (leukorrhea, dysmenorrhea, Irregular periods, etc.).
Skin problems (Psoriasis, Eczema, Urticaria, Dandruff, Alopecia, etc.)
Mon – Sun
06:00 PM – 09:00 PM

Dr Anagha T V
MD in Manovijnana Evam Manasaroga
She is passionate about doing Research, Clinical practice and Teaching in Ayurveda Psychiatry and also seeking to utilize skills in working with children and families to aid the recovery process from abuse and neglect. She is presently working as Assistant Professor in SMVV’SRKM Ayurveda Medical College, Bijapur.
Academic History
- M.D in Manovijnana evam Manasaroga (2018-2021) ALVA’S Ayurveda Medical College, Karnataka.
- Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S) SDM College of Ayurveda, Hassan, Karnataka.
- CRAV in Asthi Marma, Nangelil Ayurveda Hospital, Kerala.
Pursuing MSc Psychology
• Certificate in Smriti Meditation
• Clinical Training from Govt.Ayurveda Research Institute of Mental Diseases, Kottakkal (1 month)
• Observational study from Dr A V Baliga Memorial Hospital (1 month)
• Foundation Course on Counselling and Ayurvedic Psychotherapy
Professional Experience
• One year experience in Nangelil Hospital, Kothamangalam, Ernakulam, Kerala
• Worked as consultant at Punarjani Centre for Yoga and Ayurveda, Chakkarakkal, Kannur, Kerala
• Working as Assistant Professor in RKM Ayurveda Medical College , Vijayapura, Karnataka (17/1/2022 –present)
Achievements and Awards
• Dissertation titled -“Comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Geetam and Chandra anuloma viloma pranayama in Krodha”.
• Monograph on “Lumbar Spondylosis”.
• A compilation work on drug “Kalamegha”.
• Article titled -“Comparative clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of Geetam and Chandra anuloma viloma pranayama in Krodha”.
• Article titled -“Schizophrenia-A case study”
• Presented paper titled “Effect of Ayurvedic Treatment methodology in Schizophrenia” in Saadhana-3
• National seminal on clinical aspects held at Nangelil Ayurveda Medical College, Kothamangalam
• Paper presentation at international seminar held at SDM College of Ayurveda,Udupi
• Attented extensive workshop on Psychotherapies at ALVA’s Ayurveda medical college, Moodbidri
• 9th rank in Ashtanga Hrudaya in RGUHS
• 9th rank in MD in RGUHS
Areas of Expertise
• Insomnia
• Depression
• Anxiety
• Mood disorders
• Generalised anxiety disorder
• Phobia and Fear
• Stress related disorders
Mon – Sun
06:00 PM – 09:00 PM

Dr Saniya K K
MD in Kayachikitsa
Dr Saniya K K is a passionate medical professional and academician from Kozhikode, Kerala. She is currently employed as Assistant professor at RKM Ayurveda Medical College in Bijapur, Karnataka. She has completed her BAMS degree from MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Kannur, Kerala and MD in Kayachikitsa (General Medicine) from Alva’s Ayurveda Medical College, Moodbidri, Karnataka. She also had done clinical practice in District Ayurveda hospital, Kozhikode. She focus on listening to and addressing all the concerns of the patients and committed to provide the patients with best care possible.
Work Experience
• Assistant professor, SMVVS RKM Ayurveda Medical College, Bijapur, Karnataka from 1st December 2022 till date.
• Doctor at Doctors Speciality Ayurveda Clinic, Cheruvannur, Ferok during the period of 8thOct 2019 –8thNov 2019.
• Clinical practice at District Ayurveda Hospital, West Hill, Buttroad, Kozhikode during the period of 15/10/2018 to 14/10/2019.
• Clinical training at MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Parassinikadavu, Kozhikode during the period of 01/07/2018 to 30/07/2018.
Dissertation Work
‘A Randomized Controlled Clinical Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Vishwadi Guggulu and Rasna Guggulu in Gridhrasi’
• World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research: ‘AN AYURVEDIC APPROACH INTHE MANAGEMENT OF ALOPECIA AREATA: A CASE STUDY’ (volume 11, issue 3, 1413-1420) https://doi.org/10.20959/wjpr20223-23168
• International Ayurveda Medical Journal: ‘A RANDOMIZED CONTROLLED CLINICAL STUDY TO EVALUATE THE EFFICACY OF VISHWADI GUGGULU AND RASNA GUGGULU IN GRIDHRASI’ (July 2022) https://doi.org/10.46607/iamj0710072022
Paper and Poster presented
• International Seminar SAMSIDDHI 2021, Organized by Ayurveda College Coimbatore and DIKSHA E-Learning on August 15th – September 12th 2021.
Title: Neuro Rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease.
• International Ayurveda Seminar held during March 12-19, 2021, Organised in connection with the Fourth Global Ayurveda Festival-Virtual Conference and Expo.
Title: Role of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants in Alzheimer’s disease
• National Level Seminar on Ayurvedic perspective in cardiac diseases SPANDANA 2021held at KVG Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Sullia, D. K, Karnataka on 20th and 21st February 2021.
Title: Urobasti in Hridroga
• National Level Seminar on Ayurvedic perspective in cardiac diseases SPANDANA 2021held at KVG Ayurveda Medical College and Hospital, Sullia, D. K, Karnataka on 20th and 21st February 2021.
Title: Pathya Ahara Vihara in Cardiovascular Disease.
Areas of Expertise
• Pain management in conditions like Low back pain, Arthritis, Cervical pain etc
• Alopecia areata
• Weight management
• Respiratory disorders like allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma etc
• Skin conditions
• Gynaecological disorders
• Diabetes
• Anal fissures and piles
• Varicose veins
Mon – Sun
05:00 PM – 09:00 PM

Kerala Ayurveda Treatments
Kerala Ayurveda Treatments Ayurvedic medicines along with Uzhichil, Pizhichil, Dhara, Njavarakizhi and other Panchakarma treatments are considered as the basic treatment protocol followed in Kerala.

Depending on the patient's body condition, massaging and oleating the body by hands with different types of taila (oil) is called Uzhichil. Karpooradi oil, Dhanvantaram oil, Pinda oil, Sahacharadi oil etc. can be used. Relieves various rheumatic ailments, pains and skin diseases as well as makes the body strong and healthy. It also helps to maintain youth.
Pizhichil is a method of squeezing a certain amount of cloth soaked in oil from a particular height and pouring it on the body. It is an effective treatment for arthritis, paralysis, spinal cord injury, disc disorders and other rheumatic diseases.
There are many types of Dhara. It can be applied to the entire body or to any part of the body. Liquid medicine is continuously poured from a certain height on the target area. Dhara treatment is good for improving the health of the body, balancing the body temperature, lack of sleep and other diseases.
Njavara rice or Shashtika rice is boiled with milk and Kurunthotti Kashaya (Balamoola decoction) and drained. Catching kizhi with such Njavara rice is called Njavarakizhi. Njavarakizhi can be done during monsoons for body strength and body growth as per doctor's advice.
Panchakarma is a method followed in Ayurveda to eliminate body impurities. Panchakarma means five treatments. Generally Vamana, Virechana, Anuvasana Vasti, Asthapana Vasti and Nasya are performed as Panchakarma.
We’re Here Whenever You Need Us
Open Hours
Mon – Sun : 10 AM – 01 PM
03 PM – 08 PM
Aayurmantra, Aluva, Kerala, India